Exteros AI Technology
Exteros is bringing bleeding-edge AI tech to the world of experiential retail.
Advances in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence turn your space into a digital marketing platform with insights that go far beyond the digital world.
Neural Net based Deep-learning has led to a recent revolution in computer intelligence. This has led to advances in autonomous driving and cashier-less checkout. Computers can now see and quantify the physical world as well or better than humans.
How it Works
All visitor activity is analyzed
Visitors are counted as they enter specified zones
Personal identities are protected while appearance attributes are extracted
Appearance is processed by Exteros AI to determine demographics
All visitor activity is analyzed
All visitor activity is analyzed
Visitors are counted as they enter specified zones
Personal identity is protected while appearance attributes are extracted
Appearance is processed by Exteros AI to determine demographics
Secure & Anonymous
Exteros AI is the most secure and privacy-protecting technology on the market. Exteros uses proprietary, privacy-preserving software during video capture. This software blurs faces and removes all personally identifiable information before the video is even processed. This means that no personally identifiable information is ever stored, even on local devices.
Exteros is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Market Comparison
Competitor Technology
Exteros Technology

Large form factor

Small form factor
Limited or no style customization
Customized to the aesthetics of your space
Limited 10-15 ft range
180° FOV or zoomable to over a football field away
Strict placement requirements
Mountable anywhere with a view of the space

What Competitors See

What Exteros AI Sees
Overhead depth maps
Full wide angle HD video
Counts based on tracking objects the size, shape, and height of a human head
Computer Vision with AI that can track virtually everything a human can see
Poor or non-existent demographic recognition
Demographic recognition including gender and age
Dwell time
Interaction and engagement
Clothing and appearance information
Virtually unlimited future possibilities as the AI becomes more and more capable
Inaccurate in open spaces and non-entrances
Works for any space, region, or entrance
Inaccuracies when visitors dwell near the sensor
Continuous tracking that doesn’t double count even when visitors briefly exit and re-enter
Susceptible to missing small children
Counts even children in baby carriages
Inaccuracies from activities such as sitting, squatting, bending, or waving hands in the air
Understands all visitor activity
Validated against over 5 million manual visitor counts and shown to be as accurate or more accurate than human counters
Online dashboard with visual analytics and insights
API access for all features
All data is exportable to CSV, Excel, or custom formats
Built for the future of experiential retail and interactive experiences